How are you? Have you been using the tools I share with you through videos and this news letter? Regardless, I will keep sending – even if one person creates more lightness, the universe becomes brighter a bit. Here is another video for you – going beyond, rejection, hurt and heart break: The control device in my head I used to hear electronic sounds in my head a few years back – really. I was so scared for a bit but after one session of clearing the implants all that […]
How are you? Did you enjoy the video to release the blocks to success? Here is another one for you – my conversation with Smriti Sivdasani, Facilitator of Light key healing system. She is sharing her journey with light keys that inspires many: Your own portal to the universe A year back, when I was meditating I channeled some symbols and I was told that they were my own light keys. Then I channeled them for my family members and asked them to touch the paper and tell me what […]
How are you? Did you receive Light Key blessings for self love? I gather that many of you enjoyed. Would you mind subscribing to my youtube channel to do more of this? There is another good video you might be benefit out of. This one is to release the blocks to success: The class lead by the universe Yesterday we had the first call of our weight loss series to release the resistance. There were strong indications for the higher power to take over the class and I was in […]
How are you? Here is something to support your journey – Light Key blessings for self love: Becoming a certified healer is easy! Light key frequencies are very potent tools to use on your body and life to create transformation. See what people says: “Nila all I can say is WOW 🤩.The peace and well being, the caring and nurturing I feel after yesterday’s class with advanced frequencies is unbelievable! Immense gratitude for this journey starting with Mumbai class. Truly from “fried to freed”.Thank you.“ “Silver ray frequency, repair the […]
How are you? Did you join the JBP healing session yesterday? If not, no worries. You will have it in our youtube channel soon. By the way, did you receive the light key blessing for windfall of money? Gorgeous you As I had written yesterday, universe is going to lead the weight loss coaching series. The download for the first call started and the content is really cool. I am wondering how we are going to address all these in 1 hour! We’ll be releasing the resistance to gorgeous […]
How are you? Are you able to find gratitude to heal the fear and panic that’s going on? I’m sure if you look deep enough, you can find gratitude in any situation. Light Vortex I wanted to share an amazing experience I had today. I was in the middle of my yoga session and suddenly the word ‘vortex of light’ came through. My body was blazing like a lightening and became as light as a feather. It started swaying in all directions and it continued for about 15 min. At […]
How are you? How are you coping with the pandemic and lockdown? Some of you have written to me that it is pretty terrifying. I would ask you to just go beyond that to have more ease. It may be easier said than done but it is absolutely true that only our resistance cause the suffering. Events are just events but the meaning and value we assign to the events cause the reactions in them. So, I simply request you to find something to appreciate about every second. Gratitude heals… […]
How are you? Did you try the psychic exercise? Not many of you sent me a response and so, I am going to wait for a few more days before revealing what’s in the box. Keep trying. I hope to see you in the Awareness Development Circle on Sunday: Gorgeous you I have first hand experience of losing weight using energy healing techniques and I am looking forward to coach the group to choose lightness of the body through simple techniques. In a series of 4 calls, we will […]
How are you?Thank you for participating in the psychic game. Interestingly, none of you got it right. 90% of you said it is a ring or piece of jewelry which is very far from the truth 🙂 This is how your mind can deceive you. It will only function from the information it has. In this case, it associated the cute box with the jewelry because that’s what it has seen most of the time. Being aware is going beyond the boundaries of mind and see things as it is […]
Hope you are treating yourself well. If you need any help in finding self-love, we are here to help. Please read on… you will find an insight that could change your life. Even otherwise, you can sign up for our free support sessions and benefit out of them. What’s good about being a psychic? Well, how many of you have concluded that you are not good enough to be successful? How many of you have decided that you just do not know how to get what you desire? How many […]