How are you? I have been doing good – learning new techniques, experiencing more and more freedom! How does it get any better than this? I recently learnt and practised a new technique called ‘Be Set Free Fast’. Quite fascinating !! I am amazed at the number of healing modalities that are on this planet, at this point of time. In my experience, I have seen that not all works for everyone, every time. Having a tool box of different techniques comes in quite handy for me, especially, while working […]
How are you? I am well and thanks for caring 🙂 If you are my FB friend, you would know that I am having so much fun playing and expanding.If you are not, please feel free to join the fun: Tool of the day The original meaning of ‘want’ is ‘lack’. When you want something, how is your vibration? Is it light or heavy? Energy, being the language of the universe – would you like to send the frequency of lack into the universe? Are you willing to let go […]
How have you been? I have been well and creating a lot. In the last newsletter I had said that my mediumship was changing and I was recalibrating. Well, it has been a magical experience. Trance mediumship has always been my strongest forms of work and the experience has intensified. By the way, if you known me personally, you would know that I am not a devotee of any guru or master and I have hard time putting people on a pedestal. At the same time, I am very open […]
How have you been? Are you enjoying the drama you are creating ;P ? Or are you choosing the space around all of it? It is quite easy to be sucked into the drama of other people. (hey, my interesting point of view!) Let me share something with you. I did Access foundation and Level 1 from 19th Dec – 22nd Dec. The level1 class was amazing for me and it was the best I have done so far. I had so many ‘aha moments’ for myself and I was […]
How you be? I am well and doing 10 things at a time that keeps me “sane” 🙂 How does it get any better than this? Let me start with an interesting news… I am going to be a speaker on “Where Is My Doorway To Infinite Possibilities Telesummit” by Nilofer. What else is possible? (Hey, I am sharing with you first, my valuable people – even before I share it in FB!!! 🙂 Tool of the day : Would you like to create more? Did you know that kindness is […]
How have you been? What magic have you created since I wrote to you last? I have been creating like crazy… how does it get any better than this? What else is possible? Miracle story: I have a capacity to sense babies coming in to the world even before they are in the womb. There have been so many experiences where the couple gave up hope aligning with the medical opinion but I was able to sense the babies that were coming through. When these babies are born, it brings […]
How have you been? I have been fabulous. Thanks for asking. The ‘Seducing money’ class was so much fun for me and I am so grateful for the people who joined the call. I got so many new ideas from the class for creating a new product or class called ‘Opening the flood gates of money’. How does it get any better than this? What else is possible? Tool of the day: If you keep creating something that is not working for you just ask yourself, ‘How old am I […]
How are you? I am great and grateful. It has been deliciously busy lately. How does it get any better than this? I have been facilitating loads of new clients. What else is possible? Miracle diary: Last week’s bars class created itself magically – totally unbelievable in this reality. Will share it some other time or come to my classes to hear more miracle stories 🙂 Here is another one that would capture your attention. I am not a regular lottery buyer and perhaps once in 3 months I fancy […]
What’s up? Did you miss me and my clearing loops? 🙂 I have been busy doing the tax and sessions.In fact, my Sunday is full on – overbooked! How does it get any better than this? What more magic can I create? Miracle story Here is the video link for another miracle I created: I and my hubby were traveling in Australia a couple of years back. We hired a boat and lived in the great barrier reef area part of the ocean for 7 days. It was a fabulous […]
How magical are you being? I am busy creating more and how does it get any better than that? What would it take for my creations to contribute more to you and the universe? Miracle Diary Oh, yes. I do keep creating magic and miracles – small and large. Wanted to share a funny little one. Last Thursday my body did not want to have anything from my office canteen and wanted a warm vegetable rice from a stall outside. I did not have time to go and get it […]