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For individual

Book 20 Min session: $105 Book Now

Book 30 Min session: $154 Book Now

Book 55 Min session: $264 Book Now

Book 30 Min x 3 sessions: $462 Book Now

For couple

Book 30 Min session: $192 Book Now

Book 55 Min session: $340 Book Now

Nila’s consultations can either be in person or over phone/zoom. Suitable energy healing techniques from her tool kit are also used as needed to address client’s concerns in any area of their lives – physical, emotional, financial and spiritual.

Root causes of specific conditions such as fear, anxiety, pain, stress, illness, debt can also be cleared with ease and joy, as per client’s choice. Some simple self-healing techniques and processes may also be shared in the session as necessary so that clients can continue their healing process on their own.

Nila also helps the clients to bring the entities they may have in their body to their awareness and clears them with ease, joy and glory! What do you know/not know about the entities you may have? How can Nila be a contribution to your awareness?

Nila helps many healers and light workers to clear the energy they tend to absorb from other people and buy them as their own. Having gone thro’ the same process herself, Nila is very effective in contributing to raising the consciousness of people who are in similar situation. Many healers have reported that they have gained much clarity and confidence in their life and work after a session with Nila.

Disclaimer: All the services I (Nila) offer are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment or legal counsel. If you have a serious health imbalance please see a doctor or other appropriate professional and make complementary healing part of a complete health care program. The services/opinion I (Nila) offer are not medical advice but spiritual information. I (Nila) offer no guarantee to the outcome of my services or programs as you are the one who chooses the level of change. My primary motive is to empower you to activate your own abilities to heal yourself. While purchasing/using any of my services/packages, you agree that you are taking complete responsibility for the outcome.

When I invited Nila/Nirmala Raju to Bangalore to conduct some of her classes, especially the expansion series, little did I know that this pretty lady is going to bring an accelerated wave of consciousness to our lives. It all began with a casual chat and thereafter it has been a magical journey. There is something about her energy that makes you absolutely comfortable just being you. No masks, no facade, no fear of being judged. Just space & fun!

I was lucky enough to get a chance to attend all her classes from the bars to expansion series on relationship/money/fertility & the foundation class. Each & every class was unique in its own way & was filled with such joy & positivity that prompted us to go for the next class & ask for more. The money class brought me money right away in just 3 hours after the class, & yes the fertility class helped me get rid of the strong inhibition I had about pregnancy that was a result of going through a couple of miscarriages. I also had a private session with her which was a real eye opener. A lot of limiting beliefs in different areas of my life were unlocked with the help of her facilitation. The subtle ways in which she went about unlocking them were amazing.

Do not be misled by her simplicity & down to earth demeanor. For all you know she might facilitate you to get to know the real infinite being that you are. Thank you Nila for being you.”– Nischi