Blessings for windfall of money

Blessings for windfall of money

How are you? Did you join the JBP healing session yesterday? If not, no worries. You will have it in our youtube channel soon.

By the way, did you receive the light key blessing for windfall of money?


Gorgeous you

As I had written yesterday, universe is going to lead the weight loss coaching series.

The download for the first call started and the content is really cool. I am wondering how we are going to address all these in 1 hour!

We’ll be releasing the resistance to gorgeous body from various layers using various techniques and also create flow in the body, possibly, using a light key process which will lead to more lightness. You might get homework to keep up your vibration high w.r.t. your body image. Wouldn’t it be awesome to loose some weight right away as if by magic.

The group will also receive Group activation for vortex of Light. This is a very potent activation for bringing more light and lightness into your life.

The other 3 calls will cover the following topics:

Releasing programs, implants and attachments from the body
Releasing conflicts with your body and embracing harmony
Body lightness through awareness

You can choose any single call or choose the whole series to get 29$ discount:

Light key journeys in May

If you have never been a teacher or facilitator and love to become one, here is a great opportunity. You can become a facilitator of Light key frequency and start conducting certification courses. The pre-requisites are minimum and the facilitators’ training is also at 33% of the original price as an intro offer. One of the pre-req is Basic Light Key frequencies course. Light key frequencies are very potent tools to use on your body and life to create desired changes. This is a certification course. Please feel free to jump in:

If you have already done the course and like to get the latest insights and updates on the basic frequency, you can do so for just 18$. Please write to for the dicount code.

Remote and absent healing

Light key system is expanding rapidly and the facilitators have so much potency and experience to work on others remotely with or without the participation of the receiver. If you like to get a taster session, please feel free to book here:

Free support

Group coaching call

Did you know that you can download ’50 questions to change anything magically’ ebook by referring us to 5 of your friends? Please click here to refer and download it.

What more magic can we create together?

In appreciation of you,
