A healing resource you don’t want to miss

A healing resource you don’t want to miss

How is the house arrest going? Are you enjoying the time off or complaining? Some of you might be a handful with your kids, right? Let’s distract them with a fun class on healing. It’s totally free… Bring them for the online class on 25th:


A few days back, the Joyous Body Practitioners got together and offered group healing. It was a free call but you had to register. The session was received very well and we got amazing feedbacks. See one here:

OMG , my head was shaking on its own .. twice sideways and once downwards and I was yawning and could see something like x Ray light !🙏🏽”

Hence, we decided to make the video available to everyone who might like to benefit out of it:

I recommend that you watch it. You won’t be disappointed. Please feel free to share.

You can actually learn this powerful Joyous Body Protocol and become a certified practitioner with our self-study course:


The magical Five Protocol series

Are you also aware of the Five life-changing Protocols series? You get all these 5 protocols at a 75% discount:

1. Pain relief protocol
2. Fluid balance protocol
3. Glow and grow protocol
4. Intimacy protocol
5. Protocol for clearing unhealthy relationships

See the feedback on one of these protocols:

Nila pain relief protocol is awesome u had done with me trail session I realised till now I don’t have that pain it was magic ur all protocols r ease n joy it really has magic I m aware of many things changing in my life
After light key I see my self receiving gifts
I saw people who come for my reiki circle r getting result
Enjoying n having fun
Thank u u so much

Don’t worry that you have missed the first class. You can get the manual and recording. Once the series is over, the price is going to be the full price. You are going to pay just 55$ for a class worth 220$ now 

please join us:https://www.infinitehealing.co.uk/event/five-life-changing-light-key-protocols-call-2-of-3-2/

Free facilitation/healing call

Please feel free to sign up for the free support call on 31st:


Did you know that you can download ’50 questions to change anything magically’ ebook by referring us to 5 of your friends? Please click here to refer and download it.

Until next time, keep the gratitude going…

In appreciation of you,
