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Breakthrough session

Breakthrough session

How have you been?

Is there anything that is weighing you down? Have you been waiting for a breakthrough for a long time but nothing is happening? Let’s shift something for you right away. I did a follow along EFT session for creating a breakthrough. The link is given at the end of this mail. Please do try and let me know how it goes!

Speaking of breakthroughs, I have developed a unique process to release the deeply embedded limiting energy from the body which could assist you in creating the breakthrough in your health and body. This process, called body morphosis is a series of simple body and  eye movements with breath work. 

“I believe I had a kidney stone and I believe it dissolved after my body Morphosis Session with Nils. Today I had a bladder and kidney ultrasound..making sure both are clear..so prayers that all is good. I also want to share. I was told to drink a liter of water 1 hr before thr ultrasound. I followed my gut..drank 32 oz 30 minutes before the ultrasound and my bladder was full..I wasn’t over full..she told me I am one of the few that actually come with a full bladder..the appt was to be 45 minutes of was out in 25 mins..I truly listened to my body..”

“Nilaaaaa … I am having breakthroughs after breakthroughs … and it’s simply wow. Especially after our Body Morphosis session !!! You have no idea … how free and happy and grateful I am feeling ! I am grateful to me to keep going. I am grateful to everything I did and everyone who helped me , supported to come till here … and weip and hdigbtt ?!!!”

“When I attended the body mophosis session I felt light and energetic as it was late night being energetic couldn’t sleep was wide awake slept at 3.30 early morning next day my body was light could walk easily felt happy whole day. Thank you so much. Be Blessed Always Nila. Lots of gratitude”

I am doing 3 live body morphosis sessions to free your brain, heart and gut. These sessions are designed to assist you to connect your body to the universal flow and tune you into joyful embodiment.  

Please check them out here:


Resentment or judgement does not serve you at all. Locking up your energy in carrying these limits you from living an expansive life. If you are someone who quickly gets hurt or tend to hold on to resentments, please start asking these questios to yourself frequently and feel the freedom:

If there is no right or wrong, what would this be? How would I be?

Let me know how this changes your life

❤️Training with Sirian Elders

If you are someone who has received healing from Sirians, the beings of light from the star Sirius or participated in the Awareness Development Circle with them, you may be excited at the prospect of training with Sirian Elders and  becoming a Certified Sirian Radiant Blue Healing. 

If you are totally new to this, you may want to read these messages from the people who experienced the Sirian Energies:

“Felt like going to my family. I was very emotional and happy to receive the love n warmth there. I just wanted to stay there. Felt as if I was a little princess who was welcomed by all the beings there. As for my gift they gave me a little miniature zuzu kind of something as if he will be there with me always. I came back via the sea on the east coast of India, There is a weird sense of Joy! Jump on the bed or dance kind of feeling”

“Yesterday my yoga teacher asked for water and I mixed some Sirian healing charged water into her bottle (just felt like giving her some). Today she came in and said she felt very Happy all day….there were Happy harmones and was curious to know how did I charge that water!”

Check out the details of the training:

Library access & weekly healing sessions for the price of a pizza!

Did you know that you can have access to 70+ video classes and weekly healing session for the price of a pizza via our youtube membership? Check out the details here:

Breakthrough session video:

What magic can we create together?

Check our website for calls and recorded trainings:

Not sure where to start with Light Keys? Talk to a Facilitator by filling out a request form at the end of the page at this link:

Check our offers curated with love, just for you:

Or, you can take any and all of our free courses:

Check our YouTube channel “Nila Mystic TV”

In appreciation of You,