What percentage are you in your body?

What percentage are you in your body?

Give the first answer that pops up for you…

What percentage are you in your body?

How many other people do you house in your body?

Strange as it may sound, you might have been housing the energetic imprints form other beings – with or without bodies. These unconscious ‘tenants’ might be contributing to your body’s weight and well being. How would it be if you solely created your body rather than letting them do it?

You can

  • Let go of these tenants and enjoy more space for you
  • Create your body as you desire
  • Receive all the pleasures & wisdom the body can offer
  • Enjoy the freedom and choice with the body

‘Conscious Body Protocol’ class facilitated by Nila will help you with this.

“CBP is amazing. I asked my son for occupants randomly. He explicitly said 6 and described them as dentists. He has dental issues. I asked him to let them go and coaxed him actually… He was holding them as he felt lonely. I said he could still be friends. He agreed. So much ease showed up for him in the form of sessions and smooth treatments. I finally let my father go after 30 years. Can’t describe enough how it was for me! Didn’t feel brave enough to put this up earlier.”

“It was a blissful release for me. And I am very sleepy since the class- I would like to sleep for days together. 😀😀 Sometimes I wonder – hey how much would I release – class after class from this body. Then it strikes I am not releasing from my body alone….💡”

Go here to know more about it!

$15 saving expires today!

You can also opt for certification and make a world of difference to your clients as well. Help them create a body they are looking for!

More Joy With Bodies!

Our in house favourite ‘Joyous Body Protocol’ is happening this month with Facilitator Winnie Bajaria. You can learn this simple 20 minute technique to create a body you will have joy with! Go here to know more:

“My mother in law has intestinal obstruction. There is no cure but to operate on but the doctors are refusing to touch her as she is frail and is 89 years old. So she usually has stiffness in her stomach after eating. As she feels that I start a JBP on her and it hardly takes 2 min for her to settle down🙏🙏🙏 Thank you Nila for this awesome awesome protocol ❤️❤️🙏🙏”

“Amazing tool Nila  has given us of JBP.. it’s so effective and contributive even kids n bed ridden patients can receive with ease .. I recommend everyone to learn this technique which has helped in many areas of my life.”

Register here:

Create Your Life Masterfully!

We recently concluded the Basic Light Key Blueprint For Life and Beyond with Facilitator Tamanna Goplani. It was well received and participants chose to hop on to the next step in their journey of self mastery – The Intermediate Blueprint Course. While the Basic Blueprint Course introduces practitioners to the Kindness and Master Key practice with Fear Dissolver and Ease Keys, the Intermediate teaches

  • The Joy, Flow, Fame, Health, Life, Prosperity and Expansion Keys.
  • Masterful applications of keys for creating higher vibration in your body, mind, spirit and beyond
  • Kindness and Mastery process to have a strongly grounded and peaceful life on the planet!

“I just drew the flow key in the air to practice twice and energy swept me away from the floor.. I’m in air.. what magic is this!!!! I don’t feel like putting my feet on the ground.. so many vibrations.. it’s as if there is a soft pillow like vaccum between me and the ground.. it’s so soft.. super super super..I’m flying 🤣🤣🤣 sorry but seriously I am.. it’s a very funny feeling like I used to get riding on the giant wheel in childhood,And I’ve smiled literally like this after ages.. the babyish joySo grateful Nila ❤️❤️”

“Nila you are really amazing❤️ Now I know from Where you get so much of energy, so much ease , so much flow, so much of everything….. 👏👏 Thank you for an amazing class 🙏 Feeling very different 🌺🌺”

Hop on to the Intermediate Blueprint journey here with Tamanna:

If you are yet to do the Basic Blueprint Course, you can get the recorded one here:

“Had the Basic Light Key Blueprint Course & it was just beautiful. Amazing how some very simple practice can lead to profound changes. Looking forward to it. Had heartburn this morning since last night & did thd kindness healing key & it eased & disappeared in 2 minutes. Just wonderful. Thank you for these miraculous gifts 🎁❤️💕”

“My husband had a pain in ear and some sound was coming, for couple of days he was going through this. So I used the tool From BPC class and his pain is reduced now. He is a doctor ,so he had a telephonic conversation with ENT surgeon, he said good u sensed this early sometimes we have to do the surgery or soemtimes people lose their hearing capacity.His intensity is reduced”

Rejuvenate with Mother Earth – the mother that nourishes you eternally with Expert Healer Raina Villatramani. Here is the YouTube link:

Check our website for calls and recorded trainings:

Not sure where to start with Light Keys? Talk to a Facilitator by filling out a request form at the end of the page at this link:

Check our offers curated with love, just for you:

Or, you can take any and all of our free courses:

Check our YouTube channel “Nila Mystic TV”

UK healer’s network:

Did you know that you can download the ’50 questions to change anything magically’ ebook by referring us to 5 of your friends? Please click here to refer and download it.

In appreciation of You,
Team Light Keys Wellness System